Calculator W 626 2GKB - Direct two-layer cladding with rack construction with CW
To make a calculation:
1. Enter the desired quadrature.
2. Select the desired products.
(per unit) Cons. rate
(per sq.m.) Price
(per sq.m.) Materials
(per sq.m.) Price
(per sq.m.)
(per unit) Cons. rate
(per sq.m.) Price
(per sq.m.) Materials
(per sq.m.) Price
(per sq.m.)
Metal profile CW
1.8 l.m.
Metal profile UW
0.8 l.m.
Nail dowel
1.8 pc.
Gypsum board GKB 12,5 мм.
2 sq.m.
Screw 3,5х25
6 pc.
Screw 3,5х35
15 pc.
0.1 kg.
Joint filler
0.4 kg.
Glass fibre tape
1 l.m.
Total price:

The resulting quantities are only tentative as they do not provision for losses and cut-outs!
There may be possible deviations from the estimates due to various conditions.
All prices are quoted gross of VAT.