Varna Store

Address of Varna Store Varna
West Industrial Zone
21 Republika Bld.
GPS coordinates of Varna Store43.21510100 , 27.87777500
Working time of Varna Store Monday to Friday:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.
Telephone of Varna Store 052 750 201
GSM of Varna Store Добри Добрев , Началник склад Варна - тел. 0885 091 846 , e-mail:
Биляна Тодорова , Технически сътрудник регион Варна - тел. 0886 777 380 , e-mail:

There may be some discrepancies between the specified locations of our warehouses and the actual ones.

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